Yang (Cindy) Yi

Yang (Cindy) Yi is a tenured Associate Professor in the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) where she is also serving as the Director of Multifunctional Integrated Circuits & Systems (MICS) Group. In 2022, she has been selected as one of the 12 founding faculty of Virginia Tech’s Innovation Campus. In 2019, she has been selected as a College of Engineering Faculty Fellow at Virginia Tech. Over the past 18 years, she has been working on various research topics in the area of Integrated Circuits, Neuromorphic Computing, High Performance Computing and Communication at Texas A&M University, IBM, Freescale, Intel, Texas Instruments (TI), University of Missouri Kansas City, University of Kansas (KU), and Virginia Tech. She has 180 publications in international journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters. Eleven of her papers have been selected as the Best Paper Award (BPA)/BPA Nomination (Charles K. Kao Best Paper Award in 2020, IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications & Computing Committee (TCGCC) Best Paper Award in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), IEEE International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED) Best Paper Award, and IEEE Transmission, Access, and Optical Systems Technical Committee (TAOS) Best Paper Award in International Conference on Communications (ICC) in 2018, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) Best Paper Award in 2016, etc.)
Yang (Cindy) Yi has served as an editor for two books, Chair of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) in ISQED in 2021 - 2023, an editorial board member for several international journals including Elsevier NCN, IJCNE, EJAET, and JSAM, a guest editor for various special issues in Frontiers in Neuroscience, IET CPS, IEEE ACCESS, and Elsevier NCN, and a TPC track chair and member for various international conferences including DAC, ICCAD, EMC, VTC, ISQED, 3DIC, ICC, INFOCOM, GLOBECOM, ASQED, ICNC, WINCOM, WCI, WCSP, ICCVE, Ph.D. Forum in DAC, ACM SRC in ICCAD, and etc. Since 2020, she has been serving as the Director of MICS, where she has been successfully leading a research group with 5 ECE faculty members. Under her leadership, MICS has made significant contributions to lead Virginia Tech’s proposals towards the CHIPS and Science Act’s related programs.
Yang (Cindy) Yi’s research has been funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Defense (DoD), National Spectrum Consortium (NSC), AFRL, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFSOR), DARPA, Amy Research Lab (ARL), Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA), Office of the Secretary of Defense (DMEA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI), and many industrial companies (Intel, Samsung, Qualcomm, TI, and NVidia). She has been involved in 33 external projects with a total funding exceeding $38 Million, contributing more than $5.25 Million of her own personal research funding. She received numerous awards for her research and service: IEEE Featured Author in April-May 2023, Jeffress Trust Research Award in 2020, Virginia Tech College of Engineering Faculty Fellow and Virginia Tech Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science (ICTAS) Junior Faculty Award in 2019, NSF CAREER Award in 2018, United States Air Force (USAF) Summer Faculty Fellowship, and University of Kansas (KU) Miller Professional Development Award for Distinguished Research in 2016, NSF CISE Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) Award, NSF EPSCoR First Award, USAF Summer Faculty Fellowship, KU Miller Scholar Award in 2015, KU New Faculty General Research Award, Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) Visiting Faculty Research Fellowship, MU Academic Program Faculty Scholar, and MU Outstanding Service Award in 2014.